European Networks of Knowledge Exchange
Coordinators: Chiara Lastraioli and Pawel Kras
The WG will take stock of the social and cultural implications of religious transformation in the long fifteenth century and will focus in particular on reconstructing European networks of knowledge exchange, exploring how religious ideas and strategies of transformation "travelled" and were shared in European cultural space (e.g. mobility of "readers", printers, authors and groups of believers; dialogues and discussions within literary associations and institutions; organisation of and participation in Church Councils). As a matter of fact, a better-calibrated reconstruction of intellectual and mercantile networks, clusters of literary associations and institutions, networks of collaboration with religious communities and religious orders, mobility of people, texts and ideas is essential for the reconstruction of the circulation, the appropriation and the transformation of religious knowledge and the essential challenging of national paradigms. As in the case of WG2, case studies will be selected, studied and subsequently discussed during the yearly WG-meetings.
Conference: "Social Networks and Transfers of Religious Knowledge Across Borders" (Budapest, 8-10 June 2015). Conference programme (PDF)
Conference: "Centres of Learning and Knowledge Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe" (Cracow, 25-26 September 2014). Conference programme (PDF)
Meeting Report (PDF) Presentation by prof. Pawel Kras