Call for applications: Training school - COST Action IS1301
"Passionate Devotions. Emotions in religious texts, images and
music in late medieval and early modern Europe"

Muenster, 26.-28. April 2017

Deadline for Applications: 15. December, 2016

The COST Action is proud to present a Training school on „Passionate Devotions.
Emotions in Late Medieval and Early Modern Texts, Images and Music", held in
cooperation with the University of Münster. With this theme, the Training school
aims to establish an interdisciplinary conversation on one of the most central aspects
of religious engagement during the pre-modern period. From the high and late
Middle Ages onwards, emotional responses to religious texts, objects, imagery and
music became highly important in the construction of religious identities and
religious communities. Emotions became the object of contemporary scrutiny, were
encouraged and cultivated, modelled, appropriated, criticized and theorized.
New patterns of emotional response and affective engagement repeatedly
established themselves during the late medieval and early modern period, and premodern
laypeople and religious experts developed highly specific cultures of
emotionality, in which different spatial arrangements and various types of media and
genres intended for men, women or mixed audiences can be seen to interact with
existing cultural patterns.
The training school aims to encourage an interdisciplinary discussion on the
multifaceted and methodologically challenging connections between emotion and
religious experience visible in these dynamics, and brings together par(cipants and
guest lecturers working on the nexus of emotions and religion from different
interdisciplinary angles. Lecturers include Christina Lutter (Vienna, AT), Rob Lutton
(Nottingham, UK) and Ragnhild Bø (Oslo, NO).

Click here for the flyer.